Why choose our pest control services in Emerald
By choosing Fantastic Pest Control for your property in Emerald (Melbourne), you benefit from a 3-step vermin removal procedure that includes an extensive home inspection, effective extermination treatment, and additional follow-up visits. We work alongside experienced and trained pest controllers, who are ready to tackle even the biggest and meanest infestation.
The professionals work with industry-grade equipment and extermination products that can guarantee you fast and effective results. Our work schedule is flexible, which means that you can schedule an appointment with us for a day and time convenient for you. And if you happen to be in need of emergency assistance, no worries, just give us a call and Fantastic Pest Control will send you a technician as soon as possible.
Every pest control treatment that we perform starts with a thorough inspection of your home. This step is extremely important. Your assigned exterminator needs to examine the property, in order to identify the type of pest he’s dealing with and determine the size of the infestation. Based on these two factors, the professional will decide on what type of treatment is best suited for the situation.
Once the pest control technician has completed his investigation, he will proceed with the actual extermination procedure. The type of treatment he uses will depend on the vermin that has invaded your home. For example, if you have a mouse or rat problem, the professional will set up baits or traps and will seal any existing access points. In case of a bug problem, generally, we use insecticide sprays and other extermination products.
You see, no two pest infestations are alike. Some, such as most mouse problems, require only a single extermination session, while others take more time and visits to get resolved. Fantastic Pest Control has a ready battle plan for any scenario, so you can rest assured that your home will be pest-free after our services.
Nobody wants to relive a pest infestation. The best way to ensure that you don’t encounter a nasty rat for the second time or throw another mattress out due to a bed bug attack is through prevention. That being said, your assigned pest controller will be more than happy to share his professional advice with you.

Your local Emerald exterminator
Pest control is one of those services that can’t be performed by anyone. The job really does require an experienced, skilful, and let’s face it - really brave, person. Dominic is exactly that type of person.
Dominic joined Fantastic Pest Control back in 2015. The professional operates in Emerald, Melbourne, saving households from pest infestations every day. His forte is rodent control, but you can also count on him to take care of a bed bug infestation or to remove a dangerous wasp nest. Since Dominic has become part of our company, he has managed to help many people with their pest problems and win their hearts by proving to be a true professional.
Our area coverage outside Emerald, Melbourne
Don’t feel like running after a rat or from one? Just check the list we’ve proved below to find out if Fantastic Pest Control covers your location in the Melbourne area, so you can end your pest problems for good.Our pest control treatments
- Creepy crawlies Bed bugs, ants, spiders, beetles - if they’re in your house and “bugging” you, consider their elimination gone. The pest control technicians will take care of the problem in zero time. They work with professional products, such as special gel baits and powerful insecticidal sprays that will send any creepy crawlies running for their dear life.
- Rodent control Our rodent control treatment includes a full inspection of your property, baits installation and if necessary - sealing all potential mice or rat entry points. Not sure if you have a mouse or rat problem? Don’t fret - the exterminator will determine the type of rodent that has invaded your property on-site.
- Wasp nest removal There are some types of flying creatures, like wasps, for example, that are best left to the capable hands of the professionals. Fantastic Pest Control offers 100% safe wasp nest removal services, performed by trained and equipped professionals, so if you hear something buzzing near your home - give us a call!
- Commercial pest control Only the sheer mention of the word “infestation” can make any business owner lose his… mind. If you happen to be one, you know the serious risks that this sort of situation holds.