What makes our pest exterminator service in Craigieburn so great
Fantastic Pest Control has been around for a while now. And you can be sure that we are quite good at dealing with pesky bugs and rodents. In fact, they shiver every time someone says our name out loud. But then they are back at scheming how to steal your almonds and blueberries. So, right now you might be scared to look underneath the kitchen sink and examine the situation on your own but you can be sure that it won’t get any better. So there’s no reason to prolong this any longer and contact us as soon as you notice the signs of infestation.
Scratching noises in the night? Funky smell in the kitchen? A cockroach parade right in the middle of your bathroom? Yes, those are good indicators that you need professional help. And just to give you some idea of what to expect when you resort to our pest control services, here are the 4 general things that need to happen so your home or place of business can be safe once again.
When your Fantastic pest controller arrives at your property, he will make sure to carefully check the affected areas. The specialist will figure out the degree of the infestation to determine what would be the best countermeasures. Worry not for he will bring all necessary tools, equipment and products to conduct an effective inspection and come with an action plan that will bring you quick and effective results.
After inspecting your property carefully, the specialists have a clear idea of how to proceed. Based on the type of pest, level of infestation, and the scale of the damage that your property may have sustained, he will come with an action plan to stop the pest activity. Keep in mind that there are various types of treatments that may vary in time.
When the Fantastic Pest Control specialist is done with the treatment, he will make sure to inform you about what you should expect in the days and weeks to come. In most cases, it would be wise of you to stay vigilant. For example, a cockroach treatment at your place might cause a migration. It would be nice of you to inform your neighbours that you have had your place treated so they can take actions to protect their house.
You will be happy to find out that the treatments we carry out have lasting effects and offer you effective protection against reinfestation. Of course, the protection period varies from pest to pest but you can expect at least 3 to 6 months of calmness. In case you notice some unusual activity from rodents and insects, then you should seek immediate professional assistance.

Meet your pest exterminator in Craigieburn
There is one person brave enough to face the crawling horrors hiding in the walls and basements of Craigieburn dwellings. Meet Zac. He is the pest exterminator in Craigieburn you can trust to do a good job. He is fully certified and quite experienced. He has literally done hundreds upon hundreds of jobs so you can count on his expertise and approach. Besides, he is quite friendly and cheerful, and you can count upon his discretion.
Places near Craigieburn we cover
Fantastic Pest Control is a growing brand and we are working hard to bring our reliable and effective services to more places in Australia. So, if you happen to be somewhere outside of Craigieburn, contact us anyway and we will see what we can do. We might be able to arrange service for you after all. For easy reference, here is a list of the nearby areas that we service.The types of pests we can treat your property against
- Crawling insects The most common infestations include cockroaches, ants, and bedbugs. Well, if it crawls and it bugs you, then you can be sure that we can eliminate it. Please remember that insects are fast breeders and it would be best to contact us as soon as you notice them. No, they won’t go away on their own. They have found a nice shelter that offers them food and protection, why would they leave? So book our bed bug control or cockroach control to show them who is boss.
- Hey, isn’t it great that some bugs can fly? As if they aren’t annoying enough already. But Mother Nature has a cruel sense of humour. For instance, how do you explain wasps? How can something so small and cute be filled with so much murderous rage and such potential to cause excruciating pain? Have you ever really looked at a wasp for a while? Look at it, it is so graceful and beautiful. And scary at the same time. On the other hand, the humble housefly is absolutely disgusting and gross to look at. We know it plays a role in Nature. But we want to exterminate it anyway.
- Mice and rat These sneaky little troublemakers can bring you such headaches. They are filthy little interlopers that can’t wait for you to go to work so they can ravage your kitchen. We sure hope that you have not left any food out in the open for them to enjoy. And you can be sure that they will enjoy it, they are agile enough to climb up on tables and countertops. So make sure you keep your snacks and fruits properly sealed away. Just keep calm and use our mice and rat control service.
- For your business It is scary to think of just how much damage can be caused by rodents and insects. Luckily, you can resort to our commercial pest control if you are running a business. That is why we recommend for you to have your place of business properly checked for pest activity every now and then in accordance with your local health and safety regulations. And of course, rest assured that our services are perfectly suitable for any commercial property.