Termite Prevention Tips for Australian Homeowners

Termite prevention is an important part when building a home. That is because termites (also called “white ants") pose a serious problem. In fact, the issue is so severe that according to the “Building Regulations 2006”, every new home must be termite-protected.
However, around 20% of the homes in Australia are still going to be affected by termites at some point in time. We, at Fantastic Pest Control Australia, are here to do everything in our power to make sure that doesn’t happen. Besides providing high-quality termite inspection and control services, we’ll also give you a few tips on termite prevention. Because as they say, “prevention is the best cure”.
You must know what termite proofing is because there are many actions you can undertake to keep termites away. All with various success rates. If you better understand the little vermin, the chance of keeping them away increases. Here are some of the most effective tips we can give you!
What attracts termites?
To keep termites away from your home, you need to know what attracts them.
- All termites are attracted to wood and cellulose materials. Make sure you don’t store such materials close to your house’s foundation.
- Termites also like dark, moist environments such as crawl spaces. Reduce moisture in your home’s crawl spaces by having your home inspected and evaluated for moisture sources and solutions.
- Keep the soil next to your home's foundation as dry as possible by repairing any leaking taps or pipes.
- Divert excess water from your foundation with properly functioning gutters, downpipes and splash blocks.
- White ants are crazy for wet wood. Excess dampness does wonders for their appetite and development, so ensure your home is always properly ventilated. You may not be able to feel it, but in many cases, the air in your home is more humid than optimal. If you have this problem, you can use a dehumidifier. It will also help against the accumulation of mould and mildew.
*Interesting fact: If you want to have wooden furniture, but don’t want the hassle of dealing with termites, then invest in termite resistant wood like pine and masonry.
These tips will make your home unappealing to them and they will find some other place.
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How to keep termites away
- Check plumbing and fix leakage
This is just common sense, but still - you should fix your plumbing if you want to avoid white ants (and other types of pests). Leaks tend to increase the dampness and humidity (obviously), which attracts all manner of nasty insects. Proper plumbing maintenance is essential.
- Keep wood away from the house
Wood piles are an open buffet for termites. The fact they’re outside also makes it impossible to control the dampness, so this creates excellent conditions for white ants to grow up big and strong.
However, because they’re hungry little buggers, they won’t be happy with the woodpile and will move toward your house. To prevent them from attacking your home, keep wood away from the house (and especially ensure there’s none of it under the house or near the foundations). - No contact between the ground and the house’s wooden foundations
Having your wooden foundations directly stuck in the ground is one of the surest ways to get a termite infestation. Isolating them with cement or concrete would be a much better idea.
- Apply preventative pesticides to the wooden foundations
Poisoning their food source will definitely deter termites. They may enjoy eating wood, but they have a long-lasting habit of enjoying living more (which is why we often have to deal with them the hard way).
- Remove vegetation near the foundations of the house
Vegetation can sometimes hide viable termite entry points, or even working tubes the white ants use in order to operate around the house.
Ensure that your property is well ventilated so that the whole house is dry. It’s a lot more difficult for termites to infest your house if it’s well-maintained. Even simple things like glossy paint can sometimes act as a deterrent for termites. Every little thing counts. - Keep the exterior of the house as well-maintained as possible
It’s a lot more difficult for termites to infest your house if it’s well-maintained. Even simple things like glossy paint can sometimes act as a deterrent for termites. Every little thing counts.
These are the most common actions you can undertake in order to protect yourself from termites. We recommend a professional inspection every once in a while, just to make sure everything is fine and dandy.
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Regular termite inspections
Regular inspections are essential if you want to keep your home safe from white ants. The problem is that their activity is notoriously difficult to detect. That is until it’s too late. This reason alone is enough to utilise a professional termite inspection. When you book professional services, you also receive a guarantee, and the pest technicians will take care of the termite colony for you. This will ensure your property is clean for at least a few months. The recommended period for inspections is at least once a year.