The Most Efficient Ways to Keep Possums Away

Possums can threaten your pets, spread disease, cause structural damage, destroy anything you keep in the attic or basement, harm your kids, and a lot more. They are difficult to handle and there are laws protecting them.
This means it’s illegal to kill or harm them! That is why handling this threat becomes a lot tougher than dealing with other pests. It’s best left to professional possum control technicians.
However, if you insist on handling the problem on your own, we’ll show you how to scare the possums.
There are several very important points you should know about that will help you deter them.
How to keep possums away
Install motion-activated sprinklers and/or lights
Purchase motion-activated lights and/or sprinklers. Every time a possum walks into the activation field, they will be put into the spotlight and/or sprinkled with water.
If you decide to use only lights, be advised some possums (actually most possums) are quite pertinent. They won’t be scared off that easily. However, they get startled when they get sprinkled. Which means water is more efficient and also a natural method to deter possums. Both will help keep the possums away, though.
Sprinkle predator hair around your property
Inspect where possums frequently reside on your property and scatter dog, cat, or whatever potential predator hair you can get your hands on.
It’s important to note it’s not a good idea to leave your dogs or cats to handle the intruders. They might get injured and you might have a problem on your hands if they kill a possum.
Scatter strong scent
Possums are repelled by the stench of garlic, ammonia and mothballs. So go ahead and scatter those around where you think possums might hang out.
Garlic works best when it’s crushed. If you decide to use ammonia, be careful! This stuff can be really dangerous for you. Try at your own risk! You can use a container with a lid (such as a coffee cup) and put a rag through a hole so it acts as a medium.
Use a possum repellent
Spray a possum repellent around the place you’ve noticed possum activity or any possible entry points. Read the labels carefully, though. If you’re allergic to some of the ingredients, you might harm yourself inadvertently.
Check out also: How to Get Rid of Rats in Your Home and Garden
Possums are protected by the law
Since they are native animals in Australia, possums are protected by the Wildlife Act 1975. It is illegal to interfere with them. However, the Brushtail Possum can be controlled (if you can identify it). Still, even then you need to be extremely careful. There are certain specifications you need to follow if you want to try and get rid of possums on your own. Specifications are as follows:
- If a Brushtail Possum is inhabiting your property, it can only be trapped by you, a family member, building manager or a member of the maintenance staff. Or a certified possum controller.
- If you are going to trap it, you must ensure the cage won’t cause an injury.
- If you’ve caught a possum, you need to release it on the day of capture. That should be done after sunset and no more than 50 metres from the capture site.
- If by any chance, it’s unreasonable to release them back into your property, they have to be humanely put down by a licensed veterinarian at the trapper’s expense.
- If you’re going to trap a possum, make sure it’s safe from direct sunlight, rain, wind, your pets, or other danger to its well-being.
Failing to execute any of the above will lead to the most expensive possum control you’ve ever paid for. A fine of up to $5,000! You can read more about the law here.
Preventive measures to deter possums
If none of the above helps, fret not. There are still a few other things you can do to get rid of the vermin, such as making your property a bit less hospitable. Actually, pretty much what you need to do if you want to rodent-proof your home. This includes:
- Trimming the trees to cut the access to the roof and stop possums from getting into your home.
- Putting up fences around your garden and other risky areas in your property where possums can find their favourite food.
- Patching up holes that the possums may use as entry points to your house.
- Cutting the grass (you’ve been meaning to do that for weeks, anyway).
- Not leaving rubbish or food lying around for the vermin to feast at. This includes not feeding your pets outdoors anymore.
- Moving the rubbish bins further away from your home.
If the problem still persists, it might be a good idea to ask for professional help. We can safely handle the possums on your property.